Gastroscopy Laboratory


It is a direct visual examination of your esophagus, stomach and part of your small intestine (duodenum).

Gastroscopy Laboratory

This examination is done by swallowing a long, bendable tube with a small diameter, bright light at the end, through your mouth.


Your doctor will look at the images reflected on the screen and investigate whether there is any disease. If necessary, small tissue samples (biopsy) can be taken for more detailed laboratory analysis. Tissue samples are painlessly taken with the endoscope with the help of forceps.

Some treatments can be performed with an endoscope. For example, widening strictures, removing tumors and foreign bodies called polyps, stopping bleeding vessels and ulcers by burning or injecting a tissue hardening agent.


Your stomach should be empty to get a clear image. Therefore, you will be asked not to eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before the test. If you are diabetic, postpone your medication until after the examination. Please do not hesitate to tell the doctor or nurse if you have any allergy to drugs or if you have any contagious disease such as jaundice. Doctors will also want to know the results of your previous endoscopies. If you have any concerns or questions at this stage, don’t be afraid to ask. Also, remove your glasses, contact lenses and dentures beforehand.


You will lie on your left side on the endoscopy table in the examination room. The nurse will be with you throughout the procedure. A local anesthetic will be sprayed into your throat to numb it. Sometimes a hip injection can be done to calm you down and keep you in a light sleep state, and it can also be done under anesthesia if necessary. A plastic mouthpiece will be placed between your teeth to keep your mouth slightly open and protect your teeth.

The doctor will pass the endoscope through your mouth and throat, pointing it down into your stomach. Meanwhile, the endoscope does not cause any pain and does not prevent you from breathing. Examination of the entire stomach takes 5 minutes. As you adapt, the examination time will be shortened. During the procedure, air may be given to your stomach so that the doctor can see it better. The air will be taken back at the end of the process.


You will rest for at least 30 minutes in the rest room after the procedure. Since local anesthesia is applied to your throat, do not take solid or liquid food until your swallowing reflex returns to normal (usually for half an hour). After this time, you can eat your normal meal. After the examination, you may have numbness and pain in your throat. You may also feel a little bloated if you have air in your stomach. All of these ailments are temporary and do not require treatment.

If sedatives have been administered, you will need an aide to drive you home. It is important that you spend the rest of the day resting when you get home. Sedation may take longer than you think. You should also not drive, operate machinery, make important decisions, or drink alcohol.


In most cases, the doctor will report your results immediately after the procedure or as soon as you wake up if you are unconscious. If the germ test (Helicobacter pylori urease test) has been done, you will have to wait 24 hours for the final result. However, if a biopsy was taken for examination, it may take up to 1 week for the results to come out. If you have been sedated, it will be helpful to have someone with you while talking to the doctor after the procedure. Because patients often forget everything that was said to them during this interview and they do not remember anything about the procedure. Details of the results and which treatment is required should be discussed with the doctor who recommended the procedure to you.

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