Eye Diseases
In Gazi Hospital eye diseases clinic, every patient is given routine eye examination services, contact lenses and glasses are provided.
In Gazi Hospital eye diseases clinic, every patient is given routine eye examination services, contact lenses and glasses are provided.
The primary eye examination reaches 10,000 people every year
Child and adult disease treatment services are provided in the department. Tests of these subjects in the main examination units are ultrasonography, computer vision field tests, eye angiography and electrophysiological tests. Special services include retinal control of premature babies. Cataract surgeries with phacoemulsification technique, glaucoma and strabismus microsurgery operations are performed in outpatients and inpatients. 24-hour emergency services are provided for eye injuries.
Cataract: Cataract surgery is performed using the most modern techniques. Phacoemulsification method is successfully applied. When necessary, YAG laser is used
Glaucoma: Early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma is performed in this clinic. There is computerized perimetry available.
Neuroophthalmology: In particular, ophthalmic migraine, optic neuritis are treated by working together with neurology departments
Oculoplasty: Cosmetic eyelid operations, tear drainage system operations are performed.
Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus: Optic and surgical treatment of strabismus, first eye examinations of premature, primary eye examinations of all infants and children are performed by our specialists.
Retina: Retinal detachment and vitrectomy operations are performed successfully. Argon laser, fundus fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography devices are available
Uveitis: Inflammatory eye diseases are diagnosed and treated
Refractive surgery deals with advanced diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cornea, which is the transparent layer at the front of the eye. The unit contains devices for sensitive measurement of this layer such as topographical devices, corneal thickness measuring devices, specular microscopy, keratometers that indicate the refractive power of kornea and its diameter. Healthy individuals who do not want to use glasses or contact lenses are referred to appropriate centers for the excimer laser, used to correct refractive disorders. Another area of activity of the unit is contact lenses. Today, the selection and testing of contact lenses, which are safe to use, and giving information to patients is carried out in this unit.